A passionate engineer demonstrating the potential, including ambition, to progress to more senior positions within a technology led organisation. The individual had shown a good track record of delivering technical and project expertise to several major infrastructure projects. The individual had an ambition to become a Project Manager for future projects.
The individual had a track record of developing themselves alongside developing their career. They are prepared to challenge how they look at the world and embrace the discomfort that can be part of development. They put themselves forward for an Emerging Leaders Programme and set a personal objective to achieve their ambition within 12 months of completing the programme.
The programme was development led covering the emerging needs of individuals, whilst working towards delivering a return on investment to the organisation by surfacing a pipeline of future senior leaders.
The individual was a role model on the programme for other learners. They demonstrated ownership of their learning, maintained a curious mind with new subjects and approaches and re-evaluated their goals and potential.
The individual achieved their initial ambition. The journey threw up one or two other things along the way!
They became more accepting of who they are and how this authenticity could create leadership impact.
They re-assessed their ambition, lifting the cap on their leadership potential.